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Finding the Hero Within - a 3-Day Retreat for Men

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Finding the Hero Within: Reconnecting to Your Power and Purpose

A 3-Day Retreat for Men

Friday, February 19, 2021 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Saturday and Sunday, February 20 & 21 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Cost: $79

Click here to register for this event and join us.

Research shows that the most commonly cited reason men go through a mid-life crisis is a feeling of lack of purpose in their lives.

Why does this happen?

Sorry ladies, this message is for the men...

Who this Retreat is for:

Men aged 40-60, who have reached a level of success professionally, yet are feeling disengaged and dissatisfied with their lives in one or more areas (work, relationships, finances, health/aging, spirituality, etc.). They are either trying to cope with their emerging situation or getting prepared to make big changes - which often turn out to be disastrous.

Might this be you?

It's ironic. All the hard work and the sacrifices you've made to live a successful life seemed to be paying off. You've arrived. Yet, there is a knawing feeling in the pit of your stomach that your destination was all wrong. 

You sense there is something calling you (or is missing), but you don't know what it is or how to find it.

You are headed for a crisis. 

It starts when you ask yourself, "Is this all there is to life?" You start keeping secrets to get your needs met, which makes you feel even more disconnected and alone.

What makes this so hard to deal with is that you don't have anyone you can really talk to about it. Most men I talk to about this think they just have to suck it up and keep soldiering on.

You know how the story goes. Many men in this situation disrupt their lives and their family's lives by walking out and going through the classic "mistakes" of the mid-life crisis - ruining their marriages, alienating their families, quitting their jobs, "running away," getting the expensive car, the new girlfriend, the high-conflict divorce, the plastic surgery, etc. 

They throw it all away and make costly mistakes in an attempt to fix the growing feeling that they are running out of time to find their happiness. 

It stems from a fear that they will arrive at their deathbed full of regrets that they spent so much of their lives feeling dead inside. 

What if there were a better way to navigate this confusing time in your life without blowing your life apart?

What if I told you that there is a process for you to gain clarity about your purpose and find a path forward to manifesting your full potential?

You know you need to wake up from your complacency and stagnation and get moving towards this new destination. But you don't know how...

Here's what I've created with you in mind.

Finding the Hero Within

I've partnered with Mauricio Acevedo, a powerful life-purpose coach, to create a 3-day Retreat for Men. We are holding the retreat on February 19-21, 2021.

This is safe space to explore, discover, and clarify who you are and what you want the second act of you life to be about. 

In this space, you are guided by not one, but two professional coaches who have the life experience and wisdom to help you find your answers to the unsettling questions you are facing now.

Also, you are joined by a brotherhood of men who are working on their own plans and goals so you don't have to do this work alone.

We provide the roadmap, the vehicle, and the necessary tools for your journey to wholeness. We accelerate your progress through this confusing transition so you can more quickly get to the other side - investing yourself into your new life of purpose, fulfillment, and happiness without having to burn your house to the ground.

Most men make costly mistakes when they are in this mid-life crisis:

You may be thinking that: 

  • You can figure this out on your own.

  • You can ignore the signs, signals, and alerts that tell you change is coming.

  • You must continue to cope with your unhappiness and suck it up. "That's what men do."

  • You can make all kinds of external changes in your life that will fix this feeling of being trapped in a life that no longer works for you.

None of this works.

Research shows that the cost of the average mid-life crisis is about $140,000. And, that doesn't take into account the time you lose struggling through it, the relationships you lose by mismanaging it, and the losses to your health and well-being.

Come and step onto the hero's path. Become connected to the powerful, strong, joyful, conscious hero/warrior that is still alive inside you. 

You'll leave the retreat with:  

  • Clarity on who you are and what you want,

  • A vision for you life and a plan to get there.

  • Freedom from your limitations to re-create yourself and your life in order to align with what is important to you NOW.

Come experience the freedom to become the man you are meant to be.

To find out more about this life-changing event, click here.

Women, I encourage you to forward this to any of the men in your world who you think might be in this situation. This transitional time in a man's life is called the mid-life crisis because it's a crisis for everyone involved when the man in their lives retreats into their own world to try to work out the problems they are facing. 

Click here to register for this event and join us.