There are few experiences in life with the ability to shake your faith in yourself, the world, and everything you thought you knew to be true like grief and loss. You may find yourself facing the death of a spouse or partner, a divorce, loss of a career....something that has been vitally important to you. Losing a loved one brings on a bevy of difficult emotions like sadness, loneliness, anger, grief, and an anxious uncertainty about what the future now holds. 

While this is potentially the most painful time of your life, you can create something beautiful and meaningful out of this experience. I created this course to help you do that.

Join me on this journey of rebuilding your life after loss. You don't have to do it alone.

Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of this program, you’ll be able to…

  • Understand that what you are feeling, thinking, and doing are normal

  • Process your feelings in a safe way to facilitate healing

  • Experience peace as you let go of the past and regain the energy trapped there

  • Create a vision for your future and take action to create a life you love on the other side of loss

  • Know your purpose as you discover who you are now and why you’re here.

  • Complete the relationship with honor and gratitude.

  • Embrace your strengths and celebrate the new skills/roles you have mastered along the way.

  • Discover how to anchor your learning by giving back in service.

The Learning Experience:

This hybrid learning space includes online material provided along with bi-weekly virtual office-hour meetings where you have the opportunity to discuss the course material with me in a group setting with other students in the course. Another powerful component of the course is the community that is built over time as you connect with others who understand what you are going through. We learn best when we are learning together.

This program provides a safe space to learn, grow, heal, and express yourself freely. I know from my own experience that you need to talk about your loss, about the trauma, your fears, your anger, your regrets. No matter how difficult it is to share these things, you are encouraged to be where YOU are in the healing process. In this safe space, you are given the guidance, compassion, and support you need to move through this difficult time on your terms. You have the opportunity to transition from heartbreak to wholeheartedly participating in life based on your new vision for your life.

Why This is Important Now

Unprocessed grief is one of the biggest blocks to moving forward in life. It also drives you to behave in ways that you don’t like and get results that you don’t want. Repressed grief can lead to addictions and illness. Research shows that the average amount of time it takes for a person to "recover" from a significant loss is 5-8 years. That's just letting grief "run its course" or taking the "time heals all wounds" approach.

Your pain is real. And it has a message for you. I can help you discover the hidden blessing in your situation. This course is designed to help you create a life you love on the other side of grief by acknowledging it, honoring, processing it, and coming into loving resolution with it so that you are ready to move forward.

I will be there with you in each step of the process, guiding and supporting you completing the tasks of mourning and moving forward with confidence.

You can do this.

When and Where:

Access to the modules and lessons is given here on the Ruzuku online learning platform. Lessons include information, experiential exercises, and places for you to interact with the material and receive feedback from me as well as your fellow students.

Bi-weekly 30-minute meetings take place on Tuesday mornings. These occur online through Zoom.

COST: $967.00

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Transitions and transformations: thriving in the midst of change

We all know what change is. Change is what happens in the outer world. Change can be stressful, whether it is something you regard as a positive change or a situation thrust on you that was not of your choosing. You may be experiencing one of those stressful, negative changes in your life right now - a divorce, the loss of a job or career, a life-threatening illness, the death of someone close to you, an empty nest, retirement, changes to the roles you've been playing in your life, etc.

Transition is the psychological re-orientation and inner integration of the changes that take place in your outer world. When you are going through changes, the transition process can cause trouble, if you are not prepared for it. All transitions include loss. Sometimes that loss is very clear to you and you feel the grief of that loss. Other times, you may feel the grief at a more subtle level and not even know why you are feeling that way. 

Yes, change is stressful, but you don’t have to let it ruin your life.  With a  shift in perspective, awareness and acceptance of the inner process of transition, and some change management strategies, you will start seeing the opportunities held within change. As you gradually let go what has ended, you can then start to see and embrace the potential inherent in your new beginning.

In this coaching program you will learn about the process of change and how it differs from transition. You'll also learn about the phases of transition and how to successfully navigate through them. Whether you are working through changes you have initiated or those that have been thrust upon you, you will come away from this course with information that you can put to use to help you feel more in control of your response to life's changes.

In this self-study program you will explore: 

  • Your Reaction to Change – You will explore how people commonly react to change.

  • The Process of Change – You will discover how change is different from transition and learn about the phases of transition.

  • Seeing Change Differently – You will understand and learn to work WITH the transition process instead of resisting it.

  • Accepting Change – You have the opportunity to experience change as a catalyst for transformation so that you can lean into a richer, more fulfilling, and purposeful life.

To cooperate with the process of transition is to use change as a way to begin thriving on EVERY level of your life. It's welcoming change as a transformational opportunity.

COST: $47.00



When you think about a significant conversation you've had in your life, chances are that you experienced empathy in that exchange. Maybe you were  the receiver of someone's compassion as you poured your heart out or, you felt moved to really be there for someone and share their pain at a critical time in their lives.  

You remember that conversation for a reason. It could have been the birthing place of a new life, a new way of being for you. Something inside of you changed for the better. Some barrier that you had erected to keep you separate from others came crashing down and you experienced a feeling of intimacy. You realized, in that exchange, that we are all very much the same in our basic need for understanding and human connection. We all need to know that we matter.

That's the power that empathy holds to go straight to the heart of what matters: connected relationship. This relationship can be for an instant, a season, or for a lifetime. If there is empathy in it, chances are it is a relationship that nourishes your need for belonging and for companionship when things get difficult.

In this coaching program, you are going to explore how to build on your already existing capacity for empathy. You will:

  • Define what empathy is and recognize why it is such an important skill to have in life.

  • Learn simple, practical, powerful ways to develop your level of empathy when interacting with others.

  • Realize that you can be a bridge of understanding even for people you disagree with,

  • Learn how to create trusting relationships and deepen relationships with the important people in your life,

  • Create safety for people to authentically express themselves with you.

We will explore the neuroscience of empathy, the three kinds of empathy (and which is best to cultivate), how to boost your active listening skills and accurately sense into what others are feeling to better understand them and their perspective. You'll take all you have learned into the field of your own life and start practicing the skills of empathy with the people in your world.

The most common definition of empathy is being able to step into someone else’s shoes. This is a good place to start. However, there is a common misunderstanding that to empathize with another is to take on their suffering and make it your own.

We will expand upon this definition so that, at the end of the course, you will be able to recognize and avoid the pitfalls of getting mired in the emotions of another and taking them on as your own. Rather, you will have the ability to see the world through their eyes and experience a deep understanding and compassion with them while remaining within your own thoughts, feelings, and energy.

The course is structured in seven modules delivered over the course of three weeks.

  • An Introduction to Empathy

  • What is Empathy?

  • Why is Having Empathy So Critical to Healthy Relationships?

  • Developing Empathy

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Empathy Tips to Use Going Forward

COST: $47.00

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breaking free from worry: how to let go and find peace in the face of life’s uncertainties

Perhaps we don’t worry about everything, but we still worry about a lot.  We get preoccupied with “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios. And our mind can run away with negative thoughts and ideas that never come to be.

From time to time, it is understandable that we worry, as life can dish out sudden changes to us and those we care about that cause us to feel anxious. But when worrying becomes unrelenting, it can paralyze us from acting.

Congratulations for taking your worrying habits by the horns and taming them so you can regain your health, joy, and peace of mind.

I want to help you to experience more freedom from worry so I created this course, Breaking Free From Worry: How to Let Go and Find Peace in the Face of Life's Uncertainties. This program will give you new insights, perspectives and POWERFUL tools to restructure the way you approach people, circumstances, and the “negative future fantasies” that are stealing your happiness.

During the program, you will: 

  • Explore the main reasons people worry and what we believe we accomplish by worrying.

  • Review the nine destructive ways of thinking that result from worrying and how they become a habit.

  • Assess, challenge, and change the way you handle your worrying thoughts.

  • Learn four specific methods for eliminating worry from your life and practice using them for a renewed sense of well-being.

  • Experience greater peace through Acceptance, Appreciation, and Allowing for a higher potential to unfold.

COST: $47.00

“Carrie was a wonderful coach, asking questions that helped me to look at issues I would never otherwise thought of. Her feedback was very encouraging. If you find your worries dragging you down and affecting your life, relationships or health, I would encourage to make a change and participate in the "Breaking Free from Worry" course. Thank you for the opportunity of allowing me to share my journey with you today.”

~B. Shaw