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Living an Open-Hearted Life After Your Divorce – a One-Day Workshop


A highly experiential, transformational workshop for people going through the heartbreak of separation and divorce.

“The basic truth is that you are loved and wholly lovable…We start to tell stories about ourselves when we forget the basic truth. These stories are normally based on a basic fear, and that fear is ‘I am not lovable.’”

~Robert Holden from his book, Loveability

What’s the best revenge when someone dumps you?

It’s you moving forward and really thriving after you’ve parted ways. It’s you stepping into the knowledge that you are whole, capable, resourceful - and absolutely lovable - no matter what. How do you do that - when you feel like you’ve been completely and utterly rejected by the one you love (or used to love)?

Most of us think our lovability lies in the hands of another to decide. When your marriage is over, you may feel so rejected and unloveable that it seems pointless to ever trust another with your heart. Seeking love from outside of ourselves is ultimately disempowering and disheartening. When you depend on another to make you feel loved, it usually ends in pain and suffering. No one can do that for you.

We’re going to take a deep dive into Love in this workshop - specifically into the practice of loving YOURSELF. Your primary relationship is with yourself. This is not selfish or narcissistic. If you don’t love and cherish yourself, how can you expect someone else to do that for you?

Our basic fear is that we are unloveable. It plays out in deeply held beliefs we have about ourselves like, “There is something wrong with me,” “I’m not wanted,” “I don’t matter,” “I’m all alone.” Sound familiar? it makes sense that you will create relationships that will mirror these misinterpretations of reality - as a way of bringing your awareness to the fact that you are trying to live a lie.

The basic truth is, You are love.

If you reject this truth, there is no way someone else can step in to give you the love that you think is missing in your life.

Robert Holden goes on to say, “You can only be held back by your past if you use it to reject yourself in the future.”

We will explore these truths, the blocks you’ve created to your awareness of your “eternal loveliness.” You will come away with practices and ways of being with yourself that will set you free to live and love wholeheartedly again.

You can choose to love yourself again, no matter what.

We will also continue the work done in our previous workshops with the energy of forgiveness through continuing to open your heart to yourself, your loved ones, and your ex, all in service to your freedom. Freedom is the place where you can be the creator of your open-hearted life. It’s also the place where you can be open and receptive to finding love again.

The day provides significant opportunities for you to:

  • learn how to let love lead the way to a life of fulfillment, joy, and creativity

  • experience healing of the pain of self-rejection and separation

  • be introduced to new perspectives to shift your thinking

  • be coached through your fears and limiting beliefs

  • let go of the old story of the past and become the author of your new one

  • connect with others going through similar experiences

  • gain insights and skills that will last a lifetime

You’ll be encouraged to establish new self-loving practices that will move you forward into your new life – wholeheartedly living and loving again. We’ll also have fun in the process. You’ll become part of a community that is committed to helping each other through this difficult time.

NOTE: Space is limited to 20 participants.

Living an Open-Hearted Life After Your Divorce – a One-Day Workshop

Saturday, April 13, 2019

One Day Intensive: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Cost: $147

Includes a light lunch

Withrow Nature Preserve

7075 5 Mile Road, Anderson Township, OH 45230

Questions? Email or call (513) 860-0448


  • Attendance for the entire day – full participation during specified hours of workshop

  • Willingness to authentically share yourself in the sacred and safe space of the workshop

  • Readiness to look at and take responsibility for the ways you have contributed to the end of your relationship, extend compassion to yourself and everyone involved, and let go of blame and self-victimization

  • Willingness to be let go of the old story of the past, to be uncomfortable, to stretch, to grow

Carrie Doubts, M.A., PCC

Certified Transformational Coach


Carrie Doubts supports people who are dealing with difficult relationships, breakups, and divorces to go through the painful, yet necessary steps for rebuilding their lives after their loss. Her passion is helping men and women move beyond the drama and trauma of the ending of a significant relationship and into creating new lives and new dreams for themselves and their families.

Carrie’s journey to do this work began when her marriage of 13 years ended in divorce. Like many of you, she found it difficult to “get over it” and “just move on.” Carrie was in excruciating pain and felt like a complete failure. She also knew that she needed to learn from this experience so that she could avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. Carrie felt compelled to create something meaningful and beautiful out of this pain, so she immersed herself in self-development and personal growth.

Carrie went back to school and earned a Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing from the University of Santa Monica. After studying to be a Psychologist (and deciding that this was not the career for her) she earned her professional coaching certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). She is also a Certified Grief Counselor by the American Academy of Grief Counseling. Carrie holds the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential with International Coach Federation (ICF).

Carrie is dedicated to empowering, guiding, and supporting men and women in making choices throughout the process of completing their relationships that honor their values, their families, and the loving that was once a pivotal part of their lives.

“The healing of our present woundedness may lie in recognizing and reclaiming the capacity we all have to heal each other, the enormous power in the simplest of human relationships: the strength of touch, the blessing of forgiveness, the grace of someone else taking you as you are and finding in you an unexpected goodness.”

~Rachel Naomi Remen

Divorce is one of the most painful experiences you will face in life. Let this divorce be your last. Let it be the gateway to a healthier and happier relationship WITH YOURSELF first and foremost.

Living an Open-Hearted Life After Your Divorce – a One-Day Workshop

Saturday, April 13, 2019

One Day Intensive: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Cost: $147

Includes a light lunch

Withrow Nature Preserve

7075 5 Mile Road, Anderson Township, OH 45230

Questions? Email or call (513) 860-0448

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