I am a certified Mentor Coach providing both individual and group mentor coaching for practicing coaches that meets the standards and qualifications for ICF Certification at the ACC and PCC levels. For years, I mentored student coaches at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) as well as providing mentoring and supervision for the coaching team at Journey Beyond Divorce.

I have a deep love for everything about coaching and, combined with my 20* years of experience in higher education, am passionate about helping other coaches learn to become powerful, confident professional coaches.


You've completed your coach training, taken on clients, and embarked on the somewhat solitary adventure of launching your coaching practice. Fantastic! I applaud you for your courage and willingness to commit to a profession of serving others. However, working in a vacuum of input, you may have found yourself hitting a wall in your coaching development - not moving forward, even perhaps moving backward - being mired in some limiting patterns and habits in your coaching that are holding you back from being the powerful transformational presence you would like to be for others.

Do you find yourself reaching for the same coaching tools with your clients, getting diminishing results, resting comfortably in what you "know" about coaching, yet not knowing how to break into the next level? Are you struggling with a crisis of confidence after finding that your clients are not showing up for appointments, not re-enrolling, or not even willing to sign up to be a client after your complimentary sessions? Or worse, are you tired of being beaten up by your own inner critic about your coaching results?

Coaching mastery is an ongoing process, and working with a qualified mentor coach is a proven way to support you taking your coaching to the next level of developing and demonstrating mastery - which results in increased confidence in the value of what you have to offer as a professional coach.

I help coaches focus on the skills and approaches that lead to deeply impactful coaching - learning how to partner with clients to assist them in breaking through the barriers that are holding them back from stepping more wholeheartedly into their lives, connecting more deeply with their hearts, owning their strengths and abilities, accessing their inner wisdom, honoring their values, taking greater responsibility for their choices, and making sustainable progress in achieving their heartfelt goals.


You may have completed a coaching program that meets the ICF requirements for coach-specific training, but did not include mentor coaching. I provide individual and group mentor coaching that is focused in supporting you in meeting the ICF Core Competencies for certification. Given over a three-month period, you will receive the required 10 hours of mentor coaching that is focused on coaching skill development (excluding topics such as building your business or personal coaching). Having a deep understanding of the behaviors that demonstrate each of the 8 Core Competencies, I can demystify the evaluative criteria for you so that, by the time you are ready to apply to the ICF, you are confident that you have what it takes to succeed.

Individual Mentor Coaching packages include the following:

  • 10 individual one-hour sessions

  • Verbal and written feedback on coaching skills

  • Written materials to support you in your skill development

  • Information & support for completing the ICF Application

Group Mentor Coaching packages include the following:

  • 7 group mentoring and skill training sessions

  • 3 individual one-hour sessions

  • Verbal and written feedback on coaching skills

  • Written materials to support you in your skill development

  • Information & support for completing the ICF Application

Coaching is not a regulated field at this time. You probably know that are lots of people out there who decide to hang out a shingle and become a life coach. While this is certainly legal, many practices by untrained coaches have proven to diminish the reputation of the field of coaching. The ICF is the organization that sets the industry standards of core competencies as well as defining and upholding ethical practices for coaches.

I know that there are great coaches out there who are not credential holders. I encourage you to review the advantages and benefits of presenting yourself and your coaching to the ICF to be included in the ranks of credentialed coaches and see if this resonates for you. From my own experience, I'd like to share this: there was something very strengthening about calling myself forward to undergo the evaluative process for PCC credentialing that has supported me extremely well in becoming a better coach and being confident that I have what it takes to powerfully serve my clients.

Advantages and Benefits of the ICF Credential:

  • Higher level of credibility and professionalism: research has shown that those hiring coaches reported that they were more confident in choosing a coach who holds a credential, knowing that the coach meets the standards of excellence and professionalism that are required by ICF.

  • Access to opportunities that require certification: some companies will only hire certified coaches to work with their employees.

  • Higher reported income: research has also shown that coaches holding a ICF credential reported higher than average income from their coaching than non-credentialed coaches.

  • Access to research studies and materials from ICF: A staggering amount of data about the benefits of coaching is available to ICF member coaches. ICF receives excellent attention from the news and social media.

  • Coach community inclusion and support: opportunities for networking and receiving advanced training for everything from running a thriving coaching practice to learning the latest scientific breakthroughs in the world of coaching.

  • Coach referral listing on ICF website: Member coaches are eligible to join the ranks of coaches on the ICF website, generating referrals to your business.

  • ICF conferences and events: attending these events provides access to mentors and leaders in the field of coaching and business as well as opportunities for building your network of fellow coaches. Coaches are supported in their continuing education and these events are also inspirational and fun.

For more information about the ICF, click here:

"If you have ever considered pursuing ICF credentialing, I encourage you to enroll in the mentor coaching program led by Carrie Doubts. Through her mentoring, my coaching skills have significantly expanded and deepened. She explains the ICF requirements and Core Competencies in a way that makes them clear and I was able to implement and integrate them right away.

For example, I had been coaching a particular client for 2 years and she had one of the most profound shifts in her being resulting in a significant transformation. This was a result of one session where I began implementing the ICF core competencies! 

I am so glad that I listened and followed my inner calling to become an ICF credentialed professional coach.  Carrie was the ideal ICF mentor coach for me and her coach mentoring program is thorough, yet supportive. Her patience and clarity with my process - and the process of other group members - was truly exceptional. I really felt heard and acknowledged during each step of my journey.  And, celebrating my PCC credentialing by phone with her last week was an added gift!"

Ellen Friedman, PT, MA, PCC    Soul-Centered Professional Coaching


Whether or not to pursue mentor coaching and/or an ICF credential is a personal decision. I encourage you to contact me if you would like to have an opportunity to explore whether this step is right for you. I provide a complimentary session for this purpose. During this session, I want to hear about your challenges and needs. I also want you to feel comfortable and ask me any questions you may have about mentor coaching and the ICF credentialing process. We will have the opportunity to get to know each other and determine if mentor coaching is the appropriate next step for you.  

To schedule your session, please click on the "Contact Us" link below:

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