Virtual Valentine's Day Seminar


Virtual Valentine's Day Seminar



You know it’s coming. Just seeing the date on your calendar arouses the pangs of loneliness that come from not being part of a couple on this day that celebrates romantic love. This separation/breakup/ divorce has shredded your heart. Valentine’s Day is just another painful reminder of the past.

You may think your options are limited for coping with V-day. Several come to mind - hide from it, complain about it, ignore it, etc. How do I know? Been there, done that.

Here’s another option: You can come experience LOVE with a community of people who get how you feel about it so you can enter into the dreaded weekend at PEACE with yourself and the world. Make this a date with your self.

WHAT: Virtual Valentine’s Day Seminar

WHO IS IT FOR? Men and women in all stages of the divorcing process

DATE: February 14, 2020

TIME: 4:00 - 6:00 Mountain Standard Time


COST: $19

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